Scientific Activities
Junior Researcher (research fellowship)
Year: 2024 - Present
- Utilized advanced machine learning and deep learning methodologies to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of particle detectors.
- Developed and implemented algorithmic differentiation in combination with machine learning approaches in the context of calorimetry design.
Laboratory Research Assistant (master's thesis)
Neurochip Lab, department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova
Year: 2023
- Stimulated biological neuronal network behavior by designing and implementing computational dynamic model incorporating standard Izhikevich model.
- Enhanced network topology by introducing practical limitations and establishing quantifiable performance metrics, validating efficient and reliable design.
Laboratory Research Assistant (bachelor's thesis)
Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology, University of Debrecen
Year: 2018 - 2020
- Enabled decision-making by analysing unprocessed data from recorded cell lines and using Excel spreadsheets and Google Sheets to extract valuable insights.
- Presented distinctions between wild-type and mutant Kv1.3 channels through deployment of data visualization techniques, encompassing Sigmaplot software.