About me

I'm a graduate in Physics of Data with a special interest in Data Science and Machine Learning, and I aspire to pursue a career as a Data Scientist. The tech industry fascinates me, and I love connecting with people who share my passion for data-driven decision-making and innovation. I currently work at INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) as Junior Researcher on the topic of "Particle detectors optimization with deep learning techniques". My aspiration is to contribute my knowledge and skills to make a meaningful impact, helping organizations thrive in the digital era.

Key Projects

Machine Learning with Human Pose Classification

Nature Language Processing for studying NER

Implementation of pre-trained model (StanfordOpenIE) and a fine-tuned model (CustomBertModel) for named entity relations (NER) task.

Machine Learning with Human Pose Classification

Machine Learning with Human Pose Classification

Implementation of convolutional neural network (CNN) models using Python for human poses classification tasks.

Quantum computing

Quantum computing

Implementation of 2-qubit gates with charge superconducinng qubits and build the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm.

Modelling small-patterned neuronal networks coupled to microelectrode arrays

Neuronal networks coupled to microelectrode arrays

Implementation of neuronal networks which is coupled by microelectrode arrays (MEA) to study the spiking activities.

uman mobility during Covid-19 epidemic

Human mobility during Covid-19 epidemic

Investigated the relationship between mobility and COVID-19 spreading + forcasted the spread of COVID-19 in Italy’s regions using machine learning.

Advance statistics: Bayesian networks

Advance statistics: Bayesian networks

Created the K2 algorithm for Bayesian network and implemented with different networks.



  • Vietnamese (Mother tongue)
  • English (Advanced)
  • Italian (Notions)


  • Python, R, Matlab, LateX (Advanced)
  • C/C++ (Intermediate)
  • HTML/CSS, Bash (Notions)


  • Research
  • Laboratory tech
  • Computational physics
  • Complex networks


M.Sc. in Physics of Data

University of Padova (2023)

B.Sc. in Physics

University of Debrecen (2020)


OnlyTopTalent Member Certificate

Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate



Generative AI with Large Language Models